Green Earth Roofing Solutions publishes the below Terms and Conditions for our services. By purchasing or using our services, you agree to these Terms. Please read them carefully. Current policies, terms and conditions will always be found in writing published to our website. Policies, terms and conditions may be updated periodically, and we urge our customers and prospective customers to familiarize themselves with our policies, terms and conditions, and check back to be aware of any changes. Changes in policies, terms and conditions will be highlighted below.
The below policies, terms and conditions are effective January 1, 2024. If you have any questions regarding any of the below, please communicate with Taylor Scyocurka, at Taylor@GERoofingSolutions.com
GERS provides the following services:
Roofing | Solar | Electric Vehicle Charging Stations | Solar Monitoring | Solar Maintenance | Solar Cleaning | Solar Removal & ReInstallation | Renewable Energy Aggregation
For more information regarding the details of these services, please contact us.
Effective August 1, 2024, customers are required to keep a valid credit card on file for service visits that are not a warranty service calls.
Customers are responsible for providing accurate and complete information during sales consultation, design and construction phases.
Customers are responsible for promptly notifying GERS of any issues they may be experiencing.
Customers are responsible for system communications. Please see details below.
Quotes and proposals are valid for 14 calendar days from the date of issue, unless otherwise stated on document.
Prices are subject to change if additional work is required due to unforeseen circumstances, such as electrical, structural, or utility issues. GERS reserves the right to increase the cost of work in the event of a material change or increase which increases the cost of providing the work within the scope, beyond GERS control, such as market conditions. Unless otherwise stated, contract pricing does not include any costs associated with any changes, restrictions, or modifications to any equipment owned or controlled by the utility company. The customer will be responsible for any changes and costs that are necessary to comply with the utility that are outside the costs identified in GERS documents.
Changes in the scope of services described within quotes, proposals, and contracts, must be in writing and signed by both the customer and GERS.
Materiality is defined as 5%.
Please reference your proposal and contract for other items that may or may not be excluded from pricing.
Published rates will always be found on GERS website.
Do you have friends, family and co-workers who are interested in solar?
Send us your referrals!
Send your referral, and you will be eligible for a referral bonus as a special Thank You! of helping us grow the GERS family! Make sure to either let us know who your referral is, or, have them tell us that you sent them our way! There is no limit to the amount of referral bonuses you may earn! In addition, your referral will receive special promotional items!
Receive an additional referral bonus when you hit 5, 10 and 15 referrals!
***Referral bonus is paid when referral is interconnected. Referral money is subject to a 1099 when $600 or more in a year is earned.
GERS reserves the right to offer discounts at any point in the year on any products or services we offer. Discounts will always list an expiration date. Please see the particular discount for eligibility.
Discounts may not be combined with any other discounts GERS offers. GERS reserves the right to terminate discounts at any time.
During winter months, refrain from clearing snow from panels and equipment. Such actions may cause injury, and may cause warranty-voiding damage to systems.
For the safety of our team, any scheduled installations or services may be rescheduled due to inclement weather or unsafe woking conditions. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Our team will work to reschedule you to the next day where it is safe to do so.
Different actions may void different warranties.
Product warranties on equipment and materials may be voided by the manufacturer if there are signs of neglect, misuse, tampering, or other intentional/unintentional damage.
Please note some equipment and material manufacturers may void warranties if communications are not established and maintained.
Other warranties, such as the GERS workmanship warranty, may be voided by unauthorized modifications or tampering with systems installed by GERS. Approval must be received in writing by GERS for any system modifications (inclusive of removals and reinstallation) prior to the actions, in order to preserve any GERS issued warranty.
Warranties will be explicitly stated, if a warranty applies to any product or service.
At all times, the customer is responsible for maintaining either cellular or hardwired internet communications to systems, inclusive of any hardware, software or subscription services.
GERS has no ability to monitor or report on any system with communications failure. GERS on a time and material basis may be contracted to assist with communications related issues.
Please note some equipment and material manufacturers may void warranties if communications are not established and maintained.
***REC Receiving Customers: (Class 1 RECs, SREC II, SREC I) must maintain monthly reporting communications via approved, revenue-grade meters. Any lapse in communications may result in a forfeiture of REC reporting and income.
Specific payment details may be found in completed contracts, signed by both parties. Unless otherwise stated in writing, the following payment terms will be the default terms.
If GERS does not receive full payment within 14 business days of a submission of a valid invoice, GERS shall have the right to immediately suspend all work under the contract or agreed upon work, until payment is received. Additionally, GERS shall be entitled to charge, and the customer shall be required to pay, for all reasonable direct costs incurred as a result of late payment and suspension in work, including, but not limited to, additional mobilization costs.
In the event that GERS does not receive full payment within 60 days of submission of a valid invoice, GERS will retain all rights to immediately file a mechanics lien for the unpaid amount in accordance with applicable law. Filing such a lien shall not entitle the customer to withhold payment on any invoice.
GERS reserves the right to any steps deemed necessary for retrieving unpaid amounts, inclusive of litigation, collections, and other means, at any point an invoice is overdue.
Service work requires a valid credit card kept on file. Payment is required at the completion of service work, with the exception of prepayment requirements on special order items.
Late payments will be assessed a late payment fee of 1% per month, or the highest amount allowable by law.
All labor pricing, either in lump sum or in hourly basis, is based on a Monday-Friday, 8 hour day, during normal business hours, and in open areas with clear access to installation locations. If work must be adjusted to be performed outside normal hours, on observed holidays or weekends, labor pricing is subject to change. In addition, customer may be responsible for any additional overtime charges, or fees incurred, by scheduling work outside our standard work schedule.
GERS will work diligently to procure and receive materials and equipment as soon as possible, but is not in control, nor responsible for, delays outside of GERS. GERS will mobilize as soon as possible, upon receiving ordered materials, equipment, and permits, providing that customer has met payment obligations.
Monday-Friday our office support is available between the hours of 9 AM and 5 PM. Sales appointment are available after hours and weekends, by appointment.
Field Services are available Monday-Friday, between 7 AM and 4:30 PM.
Observed Holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day.
In the event that either GERS or the client wishes to cancel the contract or any other agreed upon work, the client is responsible for compensating GERS for any and all costs incurred by GERS, inclusive of labor, material, equipment, special orders, disposal fees, operation fees, storage fees, transit fees, filing fees, permit fees, and engineering fees.
Any contract cannot be cancelled without the prior written consent of GERS.
All payments to GERS are non-refundable.
Special order material and equipment may not be cancelled or returned. These items may have variable lead times, cannot be removed from an order, nor may have the quantity reduced. All special order transactions are final when the order is placed and no refund shall be issued.
GERS complies with all local, state and federal rules, laws, and any other mandated requirements. If you have questions regarding any compliance, please contact Taylor.
We understand the importance of keeping customer information confidential. GERS will never share or sell your personal information.
GERS takes appropriate security measure to protect your personal information, identifying information, and all payment information.
Only if required by law or compliance obligation, will we share system information, while redacting any identifying information, as allowed.
Effective January 1, 2020.
GERS offers monitoring and maintenance for residential and commercial solar systems of many equipment manufacturers.
System monitoring, if available via the inverter equipment software, is available for an annual charge. Stable communications for the solar equipment is a requirement for this service.
General maintenance items such as periodic inspections, routine cleanings, items such as fuses, updated communications hardware, software and subscription services, are not warranty items. GERS would be happy to prepare a quote for these services and replacements
GERS will does our best to schedule service appointments as quickly as scheduling allows. GERS places service requests into a scheduling queue, but will prioritizes service calls based on emergency status.
All service calls are calculated on a round trip basis. Certain service calls may be subject to a four hour minimum charge, inclusive of round trip time.
Effective August 1, 2024, all service work requires a credit card on file prior to the service date.
Published rates will always be found on GERS website.
Cancellations within 24 hours of scheduled service will be responsible for 50% of the scheduled service charge for the staff scheduled for 4 hours, or the state minimum hours for show up time at our published rates.
If a service call requires replacement or removal of an inverter, lifting solar panels, roof access of a significant pitch or working with live power, there is a two person requirement.
If a service is scheduled for a specific reason, but the cause of the service is found to be a different reason, our team will do the best they can to accommodate the service, but a follow up service visit may be necessary.
If a service visit is rolled out for a warranty claim but the cause for the actual problem is not for a warranted item, the Customer is responsible for payment of the service visit.
Effective August 1, 2024 all service work requires a credit card on file prior to the service date.
Published rates will always be found on GERS website.
At any time GERS may execute our right to refuse service offerings if a customer or prospective customer violates any of our Terms and Conditions, or acts in such a manner that leaves any member of our team feeling threatened or unsafe.
As always, the safety our our team is a priority. In cases of severe weather (inclusive of extreme heat, humidity, cold, rain, or other severe conditions) GERS may adjust the installation or service schedule for the safety of our team, and the integrity of our services.
GERS is a renewable energy certificate aggregator for systems in Massachusetts and Connecticut.
The SREC program in Massachusetts is closed. Systems that were SREC I clients will be transitioning to Class I generators. Systems that were SREC II clients will transition at the termination of their 40 eligible quarters. Clients that are transitioning should contact GERS to ensure their systems are reporting.
GERS pays out its aggregation clients annually, usually in Q4, of the following year of generation.
For more details regarding your system’s RECs, please connect with Taylor.
In no event will GERS be responsible or liable for any failure or delay in the performance of its obligations under agreed upon work or contracts, arising out of or caused by, directly or indirectly, forces beyond its control, including without limitation, strikes, pandemics, work stoppages, supply chain delays, logistic delays, accidents, acts of war or terrorism, civil or military disturbances, nuclear or natural catastrophes or acts of God, interruptions, loss or malfunctions of utilities, delays outside the control of GERS, utility company delays, local jurisdiction delays, or delays caused by communications or computer software or hardware services. GERS will use reasonable efforts to resume performance as soon as practical under the circumstances.
If conditions are encountered at the site which are:
(1) subsurface, or otherwise concealed physical conditions, which differ materially from those indicated in the contract documents
(2) unknown physical conditions of an unusual nature, which differ materially from those ordinarily found to exist and generally recognized as inherent in construction activities of the character provided for in the construction documents
then notice by the observing party shall be given to the other party, promptly, before conditions are disturbed. Customer and GERS will investigate such conditions and will negotiate an equitable adjustment in the contract sum, contract time, or both.